address field country default

Is there a way to make United States the default for country in the address field. There will be a few respondents from other countries, but most will be from US

Asked by Alida Castillo on 09/21/2020 01:33
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  • Thanks for your help. I will try a get from salesforce.
    Alida Castillo Answered 09/25/2020 17:12
  • you can do it via on load get and put hard coded United States
    Gal Siloni Answered 09/25/2020 15:01
  • You can also set the placeholder text for that part of the address field
    PRODUCTION MyExchange Answered 09/23/2020 05:21
  • You cam do it with a GET from salesforce, pull the piece of data that you need and map it .
    Saurum Sergey Answered 09/21/2020 02:25
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