Why does the collaborator I add have no image?

Last updated Mar 03 2018
Adding a collaborator  and seeing no image

Seeing a user image (avatar) depends on 2 things:
- if the user you add has an activated FormTitan account.
- if the collaborator changed his image (avatar) in his account settings.

Let's put things in order

Each collaborator you want to add under your account needs to have a FormTitan account (in order for you to share FormTitan operation with him...).
When you want to add a collaborator you are required to enter his email address. From this point - there are 3 options:

The collaborator  is already a FormTitan user and uploaded his image avatar
If formtitan recognizes this user he will automatically be approved and you will be able to see his image (assuming he updated his image avatar in his account settings).

The collaborator is already a FormTitan user but did not upload his image avatar
If the collaborator has been recognized, but has no image set in his account settings - his card will display a general avatar with a green v icon.

The collaborator is not a FormTitan user or his account is not activated
If formtitan does not recognizes the email address of the collaborator you want to add, a card with a general avatar with a red x mark will be displayed. In order to make him active you will need to select his card and press on the envelope button to send him an invitation to FormTitan. Once he activates his account he will either be displayed with a general "approved" avatar or with his uploaded image.

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