How do I add a collaborator under my account?

Last updated Jun 24 2019

By signing up to FormTitan you become the sole owner of your account. However, if you wish to share the work with others, enabling them to view and/or edit the work and even create new forms- you can do so by adding them as your Collaborators.
Each collaborator can be given a different set of permission to your account.

There are 3 types of collaborators:
Basic Collaborator - can only view your forms and data, and also submit forms.
Editor collaborator - can edit your forms and data.
Creator collaborator - can create new forms for your account

Watch the video about adding Collaborators

Following are steps to add a new collaborator:

1. Open the "User"submenu, located on the right side of the upper menu.
2. Enter the "My Account" page and select the "Collaborators" tab.
  If this is the first time you are opening this tab - the "Add Collaborator" card will be the only one that appears.
If you have already added collaborators before - you will see their cards it this tab.
3. Click on the "Add collaborator"card to add a new collaborator.
Fill in the collaborator's details (name and email address) and press on "next"
4. Set permission for this collaborator.
By choosing "For All" - You will permit the collaborator to read, write and delete what he likes in your account without limitations.
By choosing "Custome" - you can specify exactly what parts of your account are permitted (forms, themes, reports, submissions) and also what operations are permitted in those parts (read, write, delete)
5. Press on "finish" to complete the collaborator's creation

Please note -

* If the collaborator you added is already a FormTitan user - you will immediately see either a green v icon or his profile image in his card.
* If the collaborator you added does not have a FormTitan account - his card will look disabled and will show a red x icon. The user will receive an email to login and activate their account. Once your collaborator activates his account - his card will have a green v icon, or a profile image (if he decides to add one).
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