Word break in PDF Table repeat settings

Last updated Apr 05 2019

In this version we’ve added a new property to the PDF repeat settings of the Table called ‘Word break’.
When you set up a Table with in your PDF each column is given a width (either in % or px), but sometimes if the content of a specific column is longer it can make that column stretch and change the layout.
This is mostly a problem in Mobile view, because the given width is limited to 320 px to start with…
The ‘Word break’ option allows you to “Break” a word inside the column so that it fits the column width without stretching it.

So if for example your Table in the PDF is set like this:

# First Name Last Name

If the content fits the column sizes it will keep its proportion. like this:

# Mili Smith

However, if the last name, for example, is long and does not fit in the column it will make the column and table wider and some of the table may get cut.

# Mili Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff

If you apply the ‘Word break’ option in the Repeat settings of this Table it will break the last name so it will fit in the column, thus maintaining the column size.
Like this:

# Mili Wolfeschlege lsteinhausen bergerdorff


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