Salesforce Default in Titan Web

Last updated Apr 25 2022

You can now set the Salesforce default under Interactivity for the following elements:

    1. Button Group Settings 
    2. Checkbox Settings
    3. Drop-down Settings
    4. Multiple Select Picklist Settings 

It will use the default value that was set in Salesforce.

The way to Set this up in Salesforce:

  1. Select an Object, for instance, Account.
  2. Click on Edit Object under Settings
  3. Click on Fields & Relationships
  4. Search for the field, for instance, industry
  5. Scroll down to the Picklist Values.
  6. Click on Edit. Picklist Edit opens. 
  7. Click in the checkbox Make this value the default for the master picklist.
  8. Click on the Save button.

Following are steps to use this in Titan Web:

  1. Select one of the following elements:
    a. Button Group Settings 
    b. Checkbox Settings
    c. Drop-down Settings
    Multiple Select Picklist Settings 
  2. On Content, click in the Dynamic Values radio button. The Sync from Salesforce option is added.
  3. Click on the Sync from Salesforce option.
  4. Select the object from the drop-down list, for instance Account. 
  5. Select a field, for instance, Industry. 
  6. Click on Apply
  7. Click on Interactivity.
  8. Click in the Salesforce Default checkbox.
    The default as set in Salesforce will be used.


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