Added Section types to Elements panel: tabs / repeat / collapse

Last updated Apr 17 2019

The Section element is versatile, but so far this was not represented in the Elements panel.
It can be used:
- as a simple container.
- as a ‘repeatable‘ section,to collect multiple items.
- as a Tabbed section to enter different content under each tab.
- as a collapsible section, that opens and closes.

Up till now you had only one Section element in the Elements panel, and in its settings you had checkboxes that allowed you to make it repeatable / tabbed / collapsible. However some users, we think, might have missed the sections versatility and so we decided to make it visible by placing 4 elements for the Section.
Seeing as these elements are only 4 options of the same field you can start off with one option, for example the Tabs Section and then change it into any other Section option after that.
Many thanks this time to our very own Nik, Who usually fixes things for users...and sometimes has good ideas of his own. (Don't you have enough work?! :-))


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