Displaying your text field data from Salesforce with page breaks

Last updated Dec 09 2018

Let’s say you have information that is stored in a Salesforce field and you want to draw it and have it displayed in a dynamically generate PDF.
so far: easy - right?

Now , let’s say the data in this field is stored in a certain format and you don’t want it to be displayed in your PDF in one chunk, as it is, but rather divide it into a pages. Can this be done? Well Guess what? Yes- it can. And it works in any Salesforce text field: a regular Text field, a textarea field and also in a rich textarea field.

We’ve added a special keyword: FTPAGEBREAK, which you can insert into your Salesforce text field, and place it between the words/lines, where you want the text to break and start in a new page. When the PDF will be rendered we will replace this special keyword with an actual Page break.
Many thanks to Jim Levi for requesting this!


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