New in Push logs: Include request data in email

Last updated Dec 09 2018

In this version we’ve added a new option called: ‘Include request data in email’ to our push logs.
What this does is add the entry details, including all of the values entered in the form fields to the email that contains the error message.

What is this good for?
The push logs help you track your integration actions, showing you when a record was successfully created/updated as well as when an action failed.
When failure occurs, and the action is not fully carried out, an error message is shown in the log and can also be sent to your email. This allows you to fix the problem and re-submit the entry (using a link in the push logs).

However, sometimes these errors occur because someone changes or deletes a field in the Salesforce account and then the data cannot reach it.
In this case re-submitting the entry will not help and you will need to manually add the missing field data yourself.
But how do you know what value was originally entered in this field?  This is where this new option comes in. because once this option is turned on the Error message sent to you via email (using the ‘Email me errors’ checkbox) will also include all of the entered field values.
Many thanks to Eldad M. for this suggestion.


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