Bug Fixes V09.12.19

Last updated Dec 09 2019

Bugs and Additions

Following are the bug fixes and small additions in this version:

1- Word add-in - Boolean false
Boolean values (of a single checkbox for example) used in the Word add-in did not return the ' False' value as it should have. Instead the value was empty.
* Thanks to Alon Segal

2- Apply style to Section label
Believe it or not, but the Section element has a label and you can make visible if you want to.
Thing is that once trying to apply style to it using “General element” it did not work. This was fixed.

3- Set items for a repeated section with a default value
A radio button with default value inside a repeated section was not showing the default value in the first line, when “Set items” was used on it.
This was fixed.
* Thank you, Tal W. for noticing this!

4- Smart V with generate 1 link - support mapping

When a smart V was mapped to pull data once the user was verified, the value did not appear.
* Good on Ya' Mario NL for letting us know.

5- Checkbox interactive width in pdf
An interactive Checkbox used in the PDF preview was automatically set to be wider than it should have and it caused an unwanted space in the layout. This was fixed.

* Many thanks to Menahem T. (BALINK) for showing this to us.

6-  Mandatory message in pdf not cleared after value entered
When an interactive field in the PDF preview was mandatory, and the filler did not enter data in it, a mandatory message would appear. but it seems that even after the filler entered data the message was still showing. This was fixed.
* Thanks again, Menahem T. (BALINK)


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