New Value Rule: Address Validation

Last updated Jan 21 2018

Our value rules enable you to control the content entered in your form fields by specifying exactly what data must be entered in a certain field and what may not.
Following are  examples for value rules:
Field A Contains/Not Contains X 
Field A Starts/Ends  with X 
Field A Equals/Not Equals X 
Field A Numbers only
Field A Alpha only

In this version we have added an Address Validation.  what it does is check the the address entered in a regular textbox element or an Address element. If the address filled in by the user is found valid - a green valid indicator will appear, if found invalid - a red error indicator will show.
While you are configuring this value rule you can choose to specify a country code and limit the valid addresses to this country only. Or leave the country code un specified - thus allowing the form filler to enter a worldwide address.

In addition, you will find that when the form filler is typing the address, an auto complete option will be active, helping him to fill in the exact address.
Read more about how to use the Address validation


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