Smart V - expired session Re-Login

Last updated Jul 29 2019

When using a Smart V you usually set a time frame for the session to remain active, so that if the filler moves away from the form and then comes back to it -  he will not have to log-in again.
This is great, but what if you set the session to 30 minutes and the user returned after 31? Any action he tries to execute at that point will not be respected and he will need to start over.
In this version, we wanted to make it easier on the filler to resume his work, so if the session does expire and he tries to do something - it will alert an error saying the session is finished and a link to re-login.
Once the filler logs in - he can then continue from his work from where he left off.
Watch how the Smart V offers the user to Re-login when the session is over


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