Switch Account option for Collaborators

Last updated Jun 30 2019

In this version, we've added the option for collaborators to "Switch account". What does this mean?

When a FormTitan user (let's call him A) makes you his collaborator he grants you access and permissions to his forms. This means that even though you log in to your own account - the forms are not yours, they are merely shared with you.
Now if a different FormTitan user (let's call him B) will also make you his collaborator than you will have forms and data belonging to multiple origins in your account, and that can cause some confusion. So we decided to make it really clear and allow you to work while focusing on a single account each time.
As of now, when a collaborator (that is associated with a few accounts) logs in he will be asked to choose the account he wants to work on. 
He will not be able to see the other accounts' forms and data from there. The "Switch account" option will allow him when he's done to move to the other account.

* Please note: If you are a Licenced FormTitan user that is also acting as someone else's' collaborator - you will also be asked to choose which account to work on when you log in: Your own account or the collaborator account.
Find out more in this video about Collaborators


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