Private content in PDF - Do not include in preview

Last updated Oct 14 2018

Users seem to like ‘playing’ around with all the features in our PDF mapping. And it’s really nice to see how ideas are just flowing. A great example is new property we’ve just added to the PDF, called “Don't include content in preview”.
Tim Schug, an active user (with a very active imagination) wanted to make sure that certain fields in his PDF did not show in the PDF Preview. He wanted the fields to appear in the generated PDF, but just not show up in the preview.
For example: if you want to have a company stamp on your PDF document , but don’t want the filler to see it until he confirms the PDF and submits the form.

Well, needless to say we found his use case interesting and decided to go for it and It is now supported in our Dynamic Pdf inside the Condition block window. 
So now you can find this option in the PDF condition window and it can be used with or without the condition rule below it.
All you have to do is:
- Create a dynamic PDF
- Select one/few items, a column or row
- Right click and choose one of the Condition options: Selection, Col, Row.
- Turn on the 'Don't include content in preview' checkbox.
- At this point you can either add a condition rule below this option or not.

Thanks again, Tim - we like your ideas!


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