Bug Fixes V25.10

Last updated Oct 28 2018

Bugs and Additions
Following are the bug fixes and small additions in this version:

1- Workflow email
Seems that if an additional email was added to the notifications the email to the form filler did not work. This was fixed.

2- Value rule: date is not empty in S
alesforce get integration

3- AM/PM in Date time and Time elements
When trying to change the font in the time fields - the AM/PM labels did not change.

4- Report did not render when using html element in the form
a report based on a form that contained an HTML element in it could not be published and this was fixed.

5- Smart v duplication not allowed
There can be only one smart V in a form, however there was a bug because the element could be duplicated, causing the form to have several copies of the Smart V. This bug was fixed.

6- DateTime format in Edit/View windows of the Salesforce Table
Seems that in an IE browser the Date Time value did not display correctly when opening the Edit or View windows. This was of course fixed.

7- Remove page break element when there is one page
When you have a page break element in your form - this means that you have multiple pages.
and if you decide to delete the page break FormTitan simply takes all of the elements (from all of the pages) and places them all in one page. This also means that the fields lose their prior positions and Titan rearanges them one below the other according to their order.
Problem arose in a specific scenario when a there was only one page in the form and removing the page break meant that the current layout would be ruined. So this was fixed and now removing the page break when there is only one page does not affect the layout.

8- Get file attachment from Salesforce into a link element
This scenario was not working properly when the file name was in Hebrew. Special thanks to Daniel Rotem Margalit for letting us know.


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