Progress for Salesforce

Last updated Apr 23 2018
What is the Progress element?
A Progress is a user interface element that indicates the level of a task's advancement. It is made out of a max number (which is actually 100% of the progress bar) and a value of the current progress in percent.
This is visually translated into a two color strip. like so:
The entire strip has a base color (for example gray), and the progress is displayed by coloring a a part of the strip in a different color (for example blue). The size of the colored part is equivalent to the progress percentage. In addition, to make things even clearer, a label containing the progress in percent is also shown.

What can I use it for?
If your form contains an ongoing task. in which the form filler has to do a few things you can show him the level of his advancement by displaying a progress.

How do I add it to my form?
The Progress element works with Salesforce and therefore is located under the "Salesforce" category in the "Elements" panel.
All you need to do is drag this element on to the canvas and map it to 2 numeric fields in your salesforce account.

Following is an example of adding a Progress:
In this example the user will enter his last name, and if it is identified in the SF account, the progress element will be populated to display the contact's advancement level.

1- In order to do this you will need to set up some test data in your SF account. You will need to create 2 custom numeric fields in your SF account, under the Contact object. One field will be called Max - and will contain the progress max number . The second field will be called "Value" and it will contain the current progress percent number. You will also need to set up a test contact  and enter values in these fields (form example: Contact: Smith Max=30 and Value=10).


Enter the FormTitan form builder and Create a new form from blank.
3- Drag a textbox 
Go to: "Properties" panel > "Element" > "Basic" and change its label to: contact last (in here the user will enter the last name of a contact). 


Drag a Progress element from "Elements" panel > "Salesforce" category


Now set up the integration with Salesforce:

Go to "Properties" panel > "Form" > "Settings" > "Salesforce Integration" > "Get from Salesforce" > and Press on "Map fields" button
- Authenticate with Salesforce

- Choose the "Contact" object

- Set a condition: Last name equals Contact last

- Map fields:
ProgressBar (FLD2) Max  --> Max
ProgressBar (FLD2) Value --> Value


Press on "Apply" and save the form. You will then see that a new integration line has been created.


You can also change the style of the Progress: its size, its strip colors and percent label font.
Select the Progress element on canvas and go to its style elements: "Properties" panel > "Element" > "Style" > "Apply style to Element / Active / Caption.
Choose "Element" to change the entire strip base
Choose "Active" to change the style of the current progress part
Choose "Caption" to change the percent label


 publish the form as URL to test it. 
enter your test contact name.

9-  In the published form: enter your test contact last name and you will see the progress is populated according to it.

 Watch the video

Read more on Forms for Salesforce
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