Yes you can.
When you delete a submission, a form, a theme or a report they are not lost forever and you can choose to restore them if you want to.
On the other hand, since deleted items are not completely erased they still take up resources (submissions or storage) and so if they are no longer needed, you can decide to permanently delete them and make room for new items.
As you know, your account has specifications regarding the number of forms you can create, number of submissions that can be entered, collaborators you can add and limited storage - these limits cannot be exceeded and that is why it the permanent delete is so important.
In order to keep track we provide you with counters that displays your license status at any given time. Showing the max number of items allowed and the number of items currently used. For example: how many submissions can be entered, and the number of submissions you currently have.
Steps to permanently delete a submission:
1- Go to “My account” > profile tab and check how many submissions have been entered so far in the account. Keep this page open.
2- Now open the “my submissions” page in another tab.
In my submissions
3- Open your form.
4- Select the submission/s you would like to delete.
5- Press on the delete icon and approve the action.
6- The submission will then disappear from the grid, but as mentioned before - it is still saved if you wish to restore it.
In My account > Profile
7- Go back to the previous tab and check your license status - you will see that the number of submissions hasn’t changed. That is because the submission is still saved somewhere for you.
In My account > Recovery center
8- Go to “My account” > Recovery center
7- In the first dropdown Choose: “Submissions”
9- In the second dropdown select the name of the form this submission belongs to (in this example: "my form")
10- The submission will then appear in a grid below.
11 - Press on the red ‘Permanent delete’ link and confirm the deletion.
The submission will now be removed completely and you will not be able to restore it.
In My account > Profile
12. Go back to your ‘License status’ in ‘my account’ and check the submissions counter - you will see that the number of submissions has now dropped by one, and the storage has also changed (this is noticeable when you have generated documents or files attached to the submission).
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