According to Wikipedia,: Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop webpages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with.
Since so many use mobile phones and tablets today, it is very important for all landing pages and online forms to be accessible and suited for these devices, or in other words: responsive.
When you create a form or landing page with FormTitan you have 3 "Work modes" : Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
The default work mode is of course the "Desktop". but it is extremely important to fix the elements in all workmodes in order for the form to be responsive.
Desktop Mode
This is the default mode. Here the form size may be changed according to your needs. You can make your form width 800px, or 1200px for example.

In the tablet mode the maximum width is 768px.
After you create your layout in the "Desktop" mode you will need to to enter the "Tablet" mode and make sure that all the elements fit in the form area and are not sticking out. In order to do this you may need to change the layout a little, place elements differently , for example: above on another instead of side by side. You may also need to change their width.

Mobile Mode
In the Mobile mode the maximum width is 320px.
After you create your layout in the "Desktop" mode you will also need to to enter the "Mobile" mode and make sure that all the elements fit in the form area and are not sticking out. In order to do this you will need to change the layout a little, place elements differently , for example: above on another instead of side by side. Since the mobile width is much smaller, You will probebly need to change the elements width to fit.

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