Value Rule with REGEX Validation

Last updated Jul 15 2018
The REGEX Validations
Regex reffers to regular expresssions that can be used for validations on forms. FormTitan enables you to use REGEX expressions
inside the your "Value Rule".  This allows you to prevent the user from entering data that is different  from your REGEX definition.

In order to Set a value rule with REGEX all you have to do is: 
1- Drag a textbox element (or use one you already have in the form)
2- Set a value rule
go to: "Properties" panel > "Element" tab > "Value Rule" category
3- Press on the "Set Value Rules" button
4- Configure your rule: choose REGEX from the drop down

5- Enter the expression in the rule textbox and press on "Apply".
6- Save the form.

Example for REGEX may be found on the web. Here are a few:
Click here to see  live REGEX examples

1- Alpha-numeric characters only
2- Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
/^(0?[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)?[0-9]{2}$/
3- Time (HH:MM)
4- Emails
5- Passwords
6- American Express Credit Card
7- Australian Postal Codes
8- Canadian Provinces
9- Lowercase Alphabetic Characters
10- MasterCard Credit Card
11- Phone Numbers (North American)
/^((([0-9]{1})*[- .(]*([0-9]{3})[- .)]*[0-9]{3}[- .]*[0-9]{4})+)*$/
12- Social Security Numbers
13- Uppercase Alphabetic Characters
14- 2-letter US State abbreviates
15- US ZIP Codes
16- Visa Credit Card
17- UK Postal Codes
/^([A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][A-Z0-9]? [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})*$/
18- URLs
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