Themes gallery

Last updated May 07 2017
Ready made themes

The form you create has a default neutral look to it, but you can add style to its components by applying a ready made theme on your form.
FormTitan offers FREE themes you can use on your forms,  In the Themes Gallery you can:

1- View 8 Theme Cards at a time
2- You can see the likes given to the theme and the number of times it was used. .
3- When you click on a card, its preview opens in a modal window and you can press on "Like" or choose to "Use it Now". .

How do I Use a theme from the gallery?
Following are steps:

1- Login to FormTitan. Using a theme requires you to sign in, so if you are not logged in you will be asked to do so.
2- Press on the theme you want .
3- Press on the "Use it Now" button - it will open this theme in your theme builder, where you will need to give it a name. .
3- When you use this theme you can change it as you see fit. and once finished - you can apply it on your form. 

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