Zapier Zapier enables you to automate tasks between other online apps (like Salesforce, Basecamp and Gmail). This helps you use complementary apps side-by-side! By using the FormTitan Push option you can automatically update your Zapier account.
By using the FormTitan Push option you can automatically update your Zapier account.
Following are steps to integrate with Zapier:
1- | Open the form you would like to integrate in the Form Builder. |
2- | Go to "Properties Panel" > "Form" tab > "Settings" > "Integrations" Category > "Push notification" - Press on "Set Notifications" ![]() |
3- | In the first wizard step: Choose Platform, select "Zapier".![]() |
4- | In order to push data to your Zapier you to enter Zapier Parameters:![]() |
URL - Enter the Webhook URL your data will be stored in. This field is mandatory. | |
5- | Turn on the notification toggle and Press on "Finish". |
Example for how the integration really works
Now that your form is configured to integrate with Zapier - a user will fill in your form and then:
1- | Once you enter your Zapier account you will find the data under the object you configured in the push process. |