By signing up to FormTitan you become the sole owner of your account. However, if you wish to share the work with others, enabling them to view and/or edit the work and even create new forms- you can do so by adding them as your Collaborators.
Each collaborator can be given a different set of permission to your account.
There are 3 types of collaborators:
Basic Collaborator - can only view your forms and data, and also submit forms.
Editor collaborator - can edit your forms and data.
Creator collaborator - can create new forms for your account
Watch the video about adding Collaborators
Following are steps to add a new collaborator:
1. | Open the "User"submenu, located on the right side of the upper menu. |
2. | Enter the "My Account" page and select the "Collaborators" tab. |
If this is the first time you are opening this tab - the "Add Collaborator" card will be the only one that appears. If you have already added collaborators before - you will see their cards it this tab. |
3. | Click on the "Add collaborator"card to add a new collaborator. Fill in the collaborator's details (name and email address) and press on "next" |
4. | Set permission for this collaborator. By choosing "For All" - You will permit the collaborator to read, write and delete what he likes in your account without limitations. By choosing "Custome" - you can specify exactly what parts of your account are permitted (forms, themes, reports, submissions) and also what operations are permitted in those parts (read, write, delete) |
5. | Press on "finish" to complete the collaborator's creation |
Please note -
* | If the collaborator you added is already a FormTitan user - you will immediately see either a green v icon or his profile image in his card. |
* | If the collaborator you added does not have a FormTitan account - his card will look disabled and will show a red x icon. The user will receive an email to login and activate their account. Once your collaborator activates his account - his card will have a green v icon, or a profile image (if he decides to add one). |