Version - February 06 2022

Last updated Feb 06 2022

This is a small version that contains only the following bug fixes:

1- Access Control related issues:
- Conditions were running even when the element was hidden 
- Conditions were running for all child elements when the Parent was hidden
- When an element was used inside another element condition it did not use an empty value
- In Salesforce Get integration (via user action) the value was sent to Get

2- Conditions related issues:
- When parent of parent object (no matter how many levels) was hidden - the value was not empty
- In Salesforce Get integration (via user action) - it used to send the value to the Get

3- Workflow - Salesforce Push Doc Gen related issues:
- Static parameters were not allowed
- fix send Record ID was not sent correctly to Doc Gen
4- In Workflow - Salesforce / Get - Static parameters were not allowed
Accordion element with “Resize Parent” was covering content from next strip
This was fixed.

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