This is a small version that contains only the following bug fixes:
1- Option to reorder cols using layer list
This was added
2- Affected by in page parameter was not updated
This was fixed.
3- Turning off Fixed label in Signature was not working and x button was covered
Property was removed because signature will always have fixed label. x button position was fixed so it is not covered.
4- Scroll removed from Custom JS modal
5- Child element default value in Stepper
Condition that trigers action in tab 2 based on default value when entire stepper was showed. This was fixed.
6- Access contorl - Enable-Disable
Mapping was lost when smart v and access control were disabled and then enabled.
Also- if you configure again access control parameter mappin - you will see it 2 times. This was fixed.
7- Run Push when repeated strip was hidden in Stepper
A Stepper reveals a hidden repeated strip on step 2. Gets hidden again on step 3 and then a push was still running on Finish of Stepper. This was fixed.
8- Value rule in repeated shows error even when value is valid
This was fixed.
9- Pushing a specific line in a repeated strip to Salesforce pushed all lines.
This was fixed.
10- Value option was missing in Email Survey for Push mapping
The "value" option was not in the fields dropdown. This was added.
11- Cannot use arrows to choose option in Lookup
This was fixed.
12- Wrong options appear in the "export/download" from the Actions Flow options
This was fixed.
13- Disable Rich Textarea element was not working
This was fixed.
14- Charachter Count option was not working correctly in the Rich Textarea element
This was fixed.
15- Stripe Layout options were moved outside of the configuration modal