New version - 27.01.2022
This is a small version that contains only the following bug fixes:
- Trying to export data to xls with "do not store data"
This process got stuck. It was fixed.
- Apex hash key was not same for collaborator
This was fixed.
- Hide/Show rows in form not same in smaller devices
Rows were not in right order and wrong rows were hidden in smaller devices when no devices were set. This was fixed.
- Size of content removed in carousel container
when setting a size to first slide it did not affect the other slides. no need for size in each slide - this property was removed.
- Typography text was changing back to default text
Text set for typography did not always change. This was fixed.
- Set value from a project parameter to a Typography was not working
This was fixed.
- Form field Property checkbox turned off was not inharited in smaller devices
When a Form field Property checkbox was turned off and a smaller device was created - this propery value was not inharited.
This was fixed.
- Default values in Date Range element
When conditions were set based on these default values it did not trigger the action. This was fixed.
- Clear icon not showing in multi dropdown
This was fixed.
- Fixed label was not working in Button Group element
This was fixed.
- Value rule was not working in Radio button element
This was fixed.
- Editing typography on canvas didn't save
This was fixed.
- Style class amde Global and alignment didnt work
This was fixed.