This is a small version that contains only bug fixes:
1- Numeric formula from Salesforce in repeated strip
Mapped numeric formula field doesn't get total rows value. This was fixed.
2- Tab order in repeated strip
Tab order was not working properly with more than one strip. This was fixed.
3- Hide on load when navigating between pages
This did not hide after it showed first time. This was fixed.
4- Stepper interactivity - dot style was not highlighted in style menu
This was fixed.
5- Open page after smart v login did not show content (only after refresh)
This was fixed.
6- Rule looks like it’s running a few times in consol
It’s only a message - this was fixed.
7- Inputs in stepper
You could not see input elements’ boxes inside the stepper. This was fixed.
8- Line and button in repeated strip in web form were sometimes disappearing.
This was fixed.
9- Interactive signature placement in Document Generation
Signature input placement is wrong when shown in interactive doc gen. This was fixed.
10- Numeric field from inside of a repeat strip
Conditions are not running on the number field. Also the formula field that uses this number field is not getting evaluated. This was fixed.