Version - March 03 2022

Last updated Mar 07 2022

This is a small version that contains only bug fixes:

1- Input element Selected Border color was not working for dropdown in Titan form.
This was fixed.

2- Drawer external links
When adding a link with an external URL to the drawer - the link won't open when clicked both in desktop & mobile layouts. This was fixed.

3- Wrong number of records in repeated
When navigating between steps of stepper you need to see 10 records pulled, but it shows only 1. This was fixed.

4- Condition for dropdown items
if you configure a condition for dropdown items and then make the strip repeated - it doesn't work. Also “support opposite” is not working. This was fixed.

5- Page rule (every time) with Salesforce action after finish
In console all unnamed rules get the same name - the first rule name This was fixed.

6- Lookup condition on change
Look up in a repeated strip with a condition to set value from lookup to parameter was not working. This was fixed.

7- Footer in Log in page
In Titan web Login page, the footer is stuck to the login box. This was fixed.

8- Header layer above page
When the header was set above the first strip, selecting an element in this strip would create a jump. This was fixed.

9- Currency Field - Set Value
Set value from Button to currency field not working. This was fixed.

10- Wrap Text option in Power Table
Wrap text in Power Table column was not working. This was fixed.

11- Date Range issues:
Date range modal does not close on "apply" and draw the data to the input. Also you cannot erase the date range inside the input field. Both were  fixed.

12- Rich text on change
Conditions did not work correctly. This was fixed.

13- Circular slider
Run condition for repeat element did not work. This was fixed.

14- Set value from repeat radio to parameter
This did not work and was fixed.

15- Menu style issues:
- Selected state for header links does not show the properties.
- When an internal redirect is used in the menu link - the style is not used.

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