This is a small version that contains only bug fixes:
1- Position of content in modal
Content in modal when the header is set above strip is not displayed correctly. This was fixed.
2- Header - Hide in Smart V page
Hide header in smart v via layer list was not working. This was fixed.
3- Format of Date/Time in Onload paralel GET
In GET mapping the format of Date/Time was not working at all. This was fixed.
4- Update default filter settings for Power Table
Default method was set to “Between”.
5- Accordion inside col (strip multiple cols)
Accordion in a column was not working well. This was fixed.
6- Form with hidden field in a Drawer that was shown
When a value was set in a hidden field inside a drawer and then shown, it did not trigger a set condition.
This was fixed.
7- Sort by date time with format in the Power table
When setting a picklist value in one Power Table line you also saw it in other lines. This was fixed.
8- Table conditions on show calculated
Table conditions on the show calculated show very slow. This was fixed.
9- Strip with default height does not display well for auto mobile
if the strip where you created the modal content was not changed in height (was still default) the height in small devices was not set correctly. This was fixed.
10- Background Video in Strip
Video set in strip background was not displayed correctly in preview. This was fixed.
11- Carousel in a column changed the height for the other column
This got the content of the second column to flow above the next strip in mobile device. This was fixed.
12- Content of accordion in manual mobile device
Content was flowing outside into next strip. This was fixed.