Lookup and table reference - auto configured

Last updated Apr 05 2019

The process of setting up the lookup element includes choosing an SF object,  and then choosing a field for the Value and a field for the Text. In this version we’ve made things easier for you guys by automating this process. As of now when you set up a Lookup on your form, after choosing the object, FormTitan will select the ID of the object, and its name for you (If the object does not have a name then only the ID will be chosen). You will, obviously, be able to change the fields or add to them if you wish to.

Same goes for the set up of a reference field in your SF Table modal windows. When you add a reference field you always need to pick a field for display, and from now on FormTitan will pick the 'Name' field of the object for you. If this is not the field you want - simply change the selection.
In Lookup

In Table > Edit modal > reference field


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