Bug Fixes V07.12

Last updated Dec 11 2018

Bugs and Additions
Following are the bug fixes and small additions in this version:

1- Hide/show dropdown items in repeated section
A user by the name of Eldad had a problem with a conditional dropdown in a repeatable section.
A first dropdwon was used to determin the options in the second dropdown. However it was not working in a repeated section. 
This was fixed.

2- Fix hours format in push logs
Our user Jeremy was rightfully complaining about the format of the time in our push logs, which was not clear because it was in a 12 hour format , but without an AM/PM indicator...We quickly changed this to a 24 hour time format. 

3- Hide per device when selecting a different element
Strange bug was found, when turning on the 'Hide per device' in one element and then moving to another element. It seems that the second element also showed this option turned on. This was fixed.

4- Import form from Wufoo
Our user Srini was trying to import a wufoo form and it was not working. This was fixed.

Eldad, Jeremy, Srini  -  Thanks, you guys! 


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