Signature field in the Push and Get integration

Last updated Dec 09 2018

The signature element is very popular with users, especially since it can easily be pushed to Salesforce as an attachment.
Up till now you could have the Signature pushed to Salesforce only as an attachment, file or document. You could then Get it back from SF by drawing it into a link or an image element.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could push your signature to Salesforce, but not as an attachment? but in a way that makes it visible inside the record? And what about being able to draw it back into a signature element or an image?
Well, say thanks to Chen and Igaal from the Rashi foundation for requesting this feature - because this is now possible.

In this version we’ve added 3 new options in your Push integration mapping, that allow you to Push the signaure:


This option will require you to map the Signature to a Textarea rich field in SF. It will make sure the signature visible in the record but will not allow retrieving it back into your form.

- As Base 30
This option will require you to map the Signature to a Textarea field in SF. This will store  the signature as a string, which means the signature will not be visible in the SF record,  but you will be able to draw it back into a Signature field in your form.

- As Plain (Base 64)
This option will require you to map the Signature to a Textarea field in SF. This will store  the signature as a string, which means the signature will not be visible in the SF record,  but you will be able to draw it back into a Image field in your form.


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