Supporting auto scrolling in a calculated string mode

Last updated Dec 14 2018

As you know, our calculated field not only enables you to make mathematical calculations but it also enables you to create string concatenations.

The string calculated field can create concats based on your form fields. It can also be used inside a repeated section, to create a concat for each item line separately.
These concats are usually not so long, and are displayed in 1 line of text.

But what happens when you add another string calculated field to “add up” all of the repeated section concats? (...Yes, this can be done!)
This calculated field will display all of the items’ calculated strings in a list, one below the other.

Until now we’ve supported all of the above. The only thing we did not support was auto scrolling in the Calculated field. Because when the calculated field contains many repeated items the lines can overflow...right out of the element and nobody wants that :-), especially our user Greg, who saw this and raised the flag.
So thank you again, Greg Devine - you are divine!


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