Controlling the Redirect modal window width and height

Last updated Feb 18 2019

Till now when you had your form redirected to a different URL and open in a modal window - the size was window fixed. Some users wanted to control the modal window width and height, which made sense to us since we like giving our users maximum flexibility.
So we made this possible and now, if you’ll choose the “Modal” option in the Redirect action , two more fields will be added: Modal width and height.

This option is available when you are using one of these two scenarios
1- Redirect button
- Drag a button.
- Change its type to 'Redirect'.
- Press on the 'Set' button.
- Choose 'Modal' in the 'Open in' dropdown.
- and the width +height fields will then appear. 

2- Field condition results
- Select a field on canvas.
- Set a condition on it.
- Press on 'Click to configure results'.
- Press on the 'Configure' button of the 'Redirect / Open modal' option.


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  • Reuven_DEV Neeman05/24/2020 08:34
    It will be nice if we could set the dimensions from the 'salesforce actions screen'. * Custom actions from a table -> trigger - >Redirect after finish to the modal window. Thanks :)
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