Focus in Dropdown field

Last updated Feb 10 2019

The Dropdown field is very popular and rightly so. It lets our form fillers pick from a predefined list which allows us to collect valid values each time. and it also allows us to draw picklists straight from Salesforce into it.
However, the drop down also used to have a minor Focus setback (with an emphasis on “Used to”): It could not be set to auto Focus in the form like other input elements. (auto focus is when a filler enters a form and the first field has already got focus, which allows you to advance with your keyboard) In additions, usually when elements have a validation set on them  (like mandatory or some value rule) and the filler does not enter them correctly, an alert window appears and closing it returns the focus to the invalid field.
In this case - with the Dropdown - the focus was lacking at the end.
But, as mentioned before - this is a thing of the past because starting this version - our dropdown has FOCUS!
This feature is one of many suggested by Greg Devine - so thanks!


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