Bug Fixes V08.2

Last updated Feb 12 2018

Bugs and Additions
Following are the bugs fixed in this version as well as additions we made:

1- Line break in calculated fields shows undefined
The calculated field allows you to do mathematical calculations as well as create string concats. Seems that when creating a String mode calculation, if your string had line breaks in it (by pressing "Enter") it would display "undefined" labels to the form filler.
We've fixed this and now there is no problem creating a long calculated string that has line breaks in it.

2- Set value from - inside repeated section
One of our newest options for a condition result is that "Set value from", which lets you place a value from one field in another.
We noticed that when using this result in a repeated section the "Set value from" was not always working.

3- Labels in Hebrew Salesforce table need be translated
We like to give our users the highest level of flexibility, this is why we make sure everything can be customized.
Same goes for our Salesforce table. We saw that when i was used in Hebrew, when a checkbox field was added, its values ('true' and 'false') were not translated to hebrew. This of course is fixed.

4- Custom push using a Salesforce Action button -process email
When using a Salesforce Action button to trigger Push/Get in your form, you can also add a functionality to this button and have it process your emails as well. Seems this if you had your email subject / header / footer  customized, this was not applied like it should have been.

5-  Added label to PDF Mapping
We have now added the ability to map labels to your PDF Mapping, whether they come from your form or they are loaded from Salesforce.

6- Preview of checkbox in PDF mapping
Preview mode in pdf mapping allows you to see how input will look inside the element you dragged. This, for example, helps you define the right  kerning number between the letters in some cases. The preview mode also displays the v mark of the checkbox item instead of its label, so you can place it in the right size and loction on your PDF. This was not working as supposed to and when you changed to "Preview" mode it did not show the V mark. This is now fixed.

7- Mandatory. fields inside a hidden section
Mandatory fields force the filler to enter data, and do not allow him to sumbit the form until it is done.
However, when mandatory fields are placed inside a section while it is hidden they need to have their required flag overlooked, otherwise the filler
is forced to enter data in a non visible field, which makes no sense. 
Seems that in a few cases when a section containing manadatory fields was hidden the filler got an error message that did not allow him to submit the form. This was fixed in this version.

8- Salesforce integration - new supported field type: recordtype
Read about the recordtype


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