Bugs and other fixes
Versions are great for introducing new features and additions, but that's not all. we make it a priority to provide the best tool, and so fixing bugs as well as making improvements are a big part of it.
On this note - if you find a bug, something that is not working correctly or just think it should be implemented differently - let us know. We really appreciate our users reaching out and giving feedback.
Following are bugs that were fixed on this version:
- Added form name to Sf error
This is not a bug but rather a helpful addition - Once there is an error in the SF integration it is sent to your email. We have added the form name to this error.
- Right to Left In section tabs
Seems that when you created a tabbed section in a Right to Left form - the tabs were still positioned on the left.
- Page break disappears
A strange behavior was spotted by one of our users, where if you entered data quickly and pressed on the "Next" button in a multi-page form -
the page break button strip would disappear.
- PDF mapping print result not good size
When printing the generated PDF document from the preview window or from the attachment in the email it did not fit the A4 page correctly.
- Not sending the HTML file to box/dropbox when using PDF mapping
Seems that when using the PDF mapping plus an integration to Box or Dropbox, the HTML file used to be sent as well.