Good news everyone! Starting this version we are providing you with a Digital signature.
“Digital signature?”, you ask “Aren’t we already using digital signatures with FormTitan?”.
Well, no folks, you’re not. The signature we’ve provided till now is an electronic signature - and the two are not the same.
The electronic signature (e-signature) is the online alternative for the pen and paper, and is used to collect consents, approvals etc. it is the most common type of online signature.
The digital signature is a whole new ball game. It is a method that uses encryption to seal your document and prevent it from being tampered with.
“what’s the big deal with that, you ask?” In most cases an e- signature will be more than enough for your purposes. If you need parents to give their consent to their kid going on a field trip, for example, than the e-signature will be a good way to collect their consent. Howeverת there might be cases where you will need a legal stamp to authenticate your signatures, and make sure you can use them in court if needed (For example if you are asking someone to sign a contract online), and that is why we’ve decided to provide this feature.
Read how to set up a document with a Digital Signature
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