Launching Titan sign (aka Salesforce Document sign)

Last updated Aug 30 2020

The day has come! We are super excited to announce the launch of a brand new tool, which is dedicated to online contract signing. 
Watch an introduction video

The ‘Titan sign’ (also known as Document Sign) is a new builder that allows you to create a document, based on a PDF or on a Word template, and have it sent to multiple signers.
It is highly configurable and mighty powerful. Following are a few of its most prominent features:

1- Private / Public documents
You can create public documents that anyone can access and sign (for example a petition), or a private document sent to specific addresses (for example a contract). Watch video

2- Sending a document to multiple users/signers/recipients
This contract can be sent to all recipients at the same time or you can have them sign it one after the other if you wish. Watch video

3- Sending the document to Static / dynamic users
You can set static email addresses you would like the document to be sent to, or set them dynamically based on Salesforce fields.
Watch video

4- Regular / Digital signatures
It goes without saying, this builder can produce regular e-signatures as well as digital legally binding signatures. Watch video

5- Interactive fields (with word templates)
Titan sign allows you to insert interactive fields into the document, so the signer can fill in or update data while he’s previewing the generated document. Watch video

6- Populating data from Salesforce
Titan sign lets you populate fields with data from any Salesforce object, standard or custom. Watch video 
It also lets you push data to Salesforce: to create & update records.

7- Generating the Titan sign document directly from Salesforce
Titan Sign documents will now appear alongside the regular PDF and Word templates in the Salesforce FT button and could be triggered to generate. Watch video

8- Configure custom emails
Emails are sent to the document owner/signers throughout the document signing process, and these emails can be customized if you wish to make changes.

9- Tracking documents status
Titan sign works with Salesforce tracking, allowing you to monitor the process. To see if the document was viewed, signed, completed or rejected.
Watch video


For more videos about Titan Sign visit our Titan Sign Videos page


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