Bug Fixes V12.07.19

Last updated Dec 09 2019

Bugs and Additions

Following are the bug fixes and small additions in this version:
1- False value in Word Add-in
When using Boolean values (such as in a checkbox), and a False value was pulled, it would leave the value empty. This was fixed to 'False' text instead.
* Thank you, Alon Segal.

2- Apply style for section label
Believe it or not, but the Section element has a label and you can make visible if you want to.
Thing is that once trying to apply style to it using “General element” it did not work. This was fixed.

3- Set items for a repeated section with a default value
A radio button with default value inside a repeated section was not showing the default value in the first line, when “Set items” was used on it.
This was fixed.
Good on ya', Tal W. (MalamTeam)

4- Smart V with generate 1 link - support mapping
When a smart V was mapped to pull data once the user was verified, the value did not appear.
* Thank you, 
Mario NL :-)

5- Checkbox interactive width in the PDF preview
Checkbox interactive width in the PDF preview was set to 200px and it added unwanted gaps in the layout.
* Many thanks to Menahem T. from BALINK

6- Mandatory message in pdf not cleared
When an interactive field in the PDF preview was mandatory, and the filler did not enter data in it, a mandatory message would appear. but it seems that even after the filler entered data the message was still showing. This was fixed.
* Again, Menahem T. from BALINK, thank you!


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