Stick to footer in the Section Element

Last updated Mar 21 2021

Currently, when you create a multi-page form you can either use the default page break strip for navigation or hide it and add custom buttons instead. But a Problem arose when a user wanted to add custom buttons and have them “stuck” to the bottom of the browser - an option that was only available for the built-in strip.
So we decided to add this capability to our section element, by allowing “stick to footer”.
So now you can hide the default page break strip, place your custom buttons in a section element and turn on the new checkbox “stick to footer”.

* Please notice that the footer can be placed anywhere in the form, but in the published version it will be attached to the bottom of the browser.
Also note that the width of the section will always be stretched to the width of the form, so the only thing you should care about is the section height.
Watch how to use the stick to footer option in the Section element


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