Set Value From - added to radio and dropdown elements

Last updated Mar 05 2018

The set value from is one of the result options available in our field conditioning. It allows you to "take" the same value that was set in a different field. For example: you can configure a condition where if the filler chooses "3" in a dropdown than the "Nickname" field will get the same value as the one entered in "Name" field. 
This option was not available for Dropdowns and Radio buttons - but it is now. You can now set a dropdown value from a different dropdown and a radio button value from a different radio button.
Further more, since these elements are not free filling fields like a textrea, for example, but rather lists you choose from, then when you use the "Set value from" on them they "add" a value from one list to the other.
Here - see for yourself:
1- Enter "amy" in the Name textbox
2- Now choose a number in the left dropdown - you will see that this value is now also chosen in the second dropdowm (even though the second dropdown only contains color names).


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