Ellipsis mode in Paragraph

Last updated Sep 20 2019

The Ellipsis is a method for truncating long text when it overflows from its planned area size. When you create a form you want it to look esthetic, organized, and clean and that is why it’s important to create a sketch beforehand and plan the layout.
Let’s say you want to use a Paragraph for displaying descriptive text in the form and have the text pulled dynamically from Salesforce. You can easily do that, but keep in mind that different content size will render the paragraph in different length, thus changing your layout.
One way to control this is to make sure that all texts in your Salesforce field are approximately the same length.
The other way is to set a fixed size for the paragraph and have the excess text truncated.
And this is exactly what we added in this version - a new property called “Ellipsis mode” in the paragraph element will make sure that the content is truncated and end with three dots.
Watch how to use the Ellipsis mode in the paragraph


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