Embed your form in Salesforce

Last updated Apr 23 2018

Find out how to create a web tab in Salesforce  and embed your online form in it
Businesses that use Salesforce often want to embed their applications or online forms within SF.  Well...Good news! FormTitan forms can easily be embedded in Salesforce. 

How does this work?

In a nutshell, you will need to:
1- Create a web tab in Salesforce - Please use the following guide.
Since Salesforce provides such a great guide for creating web tabs in its developer Documentation, we highly recommend using it. It is a step by step manual that will enable you to create a web tab.

 2- Publish your form as "URL" and save it for when you'll be asked to use it according to the Salesforce guide (bullet #12).

Find out more about Salesforce form builder


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