Executing Salesforce actions after Edit/Add in Salesforce Table

Last updated Aug 02 2018

The Salesforce Table windows are used to allow the form fillers to Edit and Add data, However, they can also be used as a trigger, leading up to other Salesforce actions.

How does this work exactly?
All you have to do is:
- create a new Get or Push action
- Link this action to the Edit or Add window, so it will run after the record is updated or created.

In this example we will:
- Create a form with a table  and a full name field.
- The Table will load your accounts from Salesforce when the form opens.
- The filler will be required to enter a contact name in the full name field.
- After he updates an account via “Edit” window - this will trigger the contact’s creation in Salesforce.

Follow the steps:
1- Create a new blank form
2- Drag a Salesforce Table element

3- Configure the columns: Account name, Phone, Website

4- Set the Salesforce Get integration to populate the table fields.
- Go to 'Properties' panel > 'Form' tab > 'Settings' option > 'Salesforce Integration' category > Get from Salesforce
- Press on 'Map fields' button
- Authenticate with Salesforce
- Add object: Account
- Turn on the 'Execute on form load' checkbox

- Choose 'All' in the 'if multiple matches found' radio button and enter a limit of 100.

- Map the fields:
Account name --> Account Name
Phone --> Account Phone
Website --> Website

5- Drag a Full Name element to the form

6- Create a Push integration that will create a new contact in Salesforce from the values entered in the 'full name' field:
- Authenticate with Salesforce
- Choose object: Contact
- Add comment: Create contact after Edit
- Turn on the ‘Use in custom button’ checkbox

- Action: Create
- Map fields:
Last name → Full Name Last Name
First name → Full Name First Name

- Press 'Apply' and save the form

7- Select the Table element on canvas.
Go to 'Properties' panel > 'Element' tab > 'Settings' option > 'Advanced' category.
Turn on the ‘Allow Edit’  checkbox and press on the ‘Configure’ button below it.

8- Make the fields editable: Account name, Phone, Website by turning on the checkboxes

9- Press on the ‘Configure’ button of the ‘Execute Salesforce actions’ option.
And choose the action that will run after edit. In this example it’s called: Contact(create) - Create contact after Edit.’

- Press on the “Add” button, and the action will now be displayed in the table above.

- Press ‘Apply’ and save your form.

10- Now test your form: 

- Publish it as URL
- Wait till the accounts are loaded in the Table
- Fill in a full name for the test (for example: Snow White)
- Now choose an account in the table and press on ‘Edit’ icon
- Make a small change and save it.
- You will now see that the Push action is running after the Update was completed.

- check your Salesforce account and you will find that an Account was updated (done from the Table Edit window) and a new contact was created (Snow White).

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