Populating your Salesforce data in a Table element

Last updated Apr 23 2018
Mapping the Salesforce fields to your FormTitan Table element

Populating data from Salesforce inside your online form is easy - all you have to do is use the integration and map the Sf fields to the fields in your form. But what if you wish to display the data in a table? is this possible?
Well, yes - it is.
FormTitan has a table element especially for working with Salesforce. 

Following are the steps to draw Salesforce data into your FormTitan table element::
1- Drag a table element ("Elements panel" > "Widgets" category > "Table")

2- Configure the column headers (In the "Properties panel" > "Element" > "Settings")

3- Change the table size and styles (In the "Properties panel" > "Element" > "Style")

4- at this point you can also hide the table filter and decide how many rows you want to be displayed per page.
5- Integrate with Salesforce to draw data (In the "Properties panel" > "Form" > "Settings" > "Salesforce Integration" category > "Get")
6- Push on the "Get" button and authenticate with Salesforce.

7- choose the "account" object,
8- Turn on the "Execute on form load" checkbox
9- Choose the "All" option in the "If multiple matches found take ID from" field. and give a limit number (in this case: 300)
10- Map the fields and press "Apply"

11 - an integration "Get" line will be created.

12- Press on "Finish" and save the form
13- Publish your form as URL to test it.
You will see the your salesforce accounts are displayed inside the table when the page loads.

Watch how to populate your data into the Table element

Populating into formTitan elements

Salesforce data can also be populate into other form elements such as: Dropdowns or radio buttons (for Picklists), Textboxes, Text area, paragraph (for Text area rich), Date, repeatable sections etc. Data can be populated on form load, but it can also be dynamically populated upon a trigger.

Read more about how to Integrate online forms with salesforce

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