SF Push Category - First Steps

Last updated Dec 17 2019
First Steps

Once you press on the “Set Notification”  button the ""push data" window will open.

A few words about push

"Push" is a very general term that refers to creating, updating, finding or deleting data in one or more Salesforce objects.  Each push action you perform on an SF object will be represented in one integration line, so if you are interested in multiple objects being updated you will need to create an integration line for each.
The first time you open this window - you will have no lines and you will need to press on "Add object" button to create your first integration line. 
Once you create your integration line it will be added to this window  and using four icons on the right side of the line you will be able to edit the line, duplicate the line, delete it or add an integration with a child object.

First Step - Authentication
In order to push data to your destination, you will first need to authenticate with Salesforce and then press on the "Add object" button.
1- Authenticate with your Salesforce account.
Simply press on the "Authenticate" button and login to your Salesforce account. If the authentication will succeed a green v icon will appear.
2- Press on “Add object“ button - This will open the integration window with 2 categories (out of 7) in an accordion structure:.

Once you will choose the object the rest of the categories will appear and you will be able to go on with configuring your integration.

Please notice the Legend at the bottom of the window. A colored icon will be added to each Push action you create here, based on the trigger used, to help you distinguish between the different actions.
The Trigger options are:
- On Submit - when the Push action is executed once the form is submitted. Watch the video
- Custom action - when the Push action is executed upon custom action, whether via button or condition. Watch the video

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