Word composer element: Condition

Last updated Apr 24 2019

The condition is an element you can “wrap” around content in your document to determine if it will show or hide. In the condition settings you configure a rule, and if it is met - then the content wrapped by the Condition element is shown. If the rule is not met - the content will be hidden.

To add a condition you should do the following:
1- Select the content you want affect on canvas.
2- Press on ‘Insert Condition’ option.
3- The window will open and you will need to enter your rule.
For example: If Account - red > account name contains amy.
* Please notice that you cannot choose the condition results in this window - that is because they are fixed: If the condition is met - the content is shown, if the condition is not met - the content will be hidden.

4- Once you press on “Save” the Condition IF tags will be wrapped around the content you wished to affect.

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