Word composer element: Signature

Last updated Aug 21 2019

The signature element lets you create an interactive document, where not only can the content be dynamically based on user input and Salesforce data, but the document can also be signed online on top of it all.
So in fact, a document that contains a signature cannot simply be generated for the filler in one shot (like done in documents without the signature) since it includes 2 steps: 
- The rendering of the document with the dynamic data.
- The filler signing it.

We provide three types of signatures:
Simple signature - This is the regular signature we provide, which requires the filler to enter his signature online. It contains no digital seal.
Read more about our Simple signature

Visible Digital signature - This is a signature that is visible in the document, requires the filler to sign and generates a digital signature seal on the document.
Read more about the Visible digital signature

Invisible Digital signature - This is a signature that is not visible in the document (and does not ask the filler to enter his/her signature).  This signature is only a digital seal that makes the document legally binding.
Read more about the Invisible digital signature

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