It’s no secret that our dynamic PDF allows you to display data from a repeatable section. All you have to do is insert a table with one row and and place each section field in a separate column. Once the data comes in, the table will grow according to the number of its items, adding a line for each repeated item.
Oh, but what will happen if you dynamically pull your data from Salesforce, and do not know how many items will be drawn each time? Wouldn’t it be difficult to plan your PDF layout like that?
Yes, it would, and this is why we came up with the ‘repeated settings’ in the PDF mapping, where you can set a break in the table when it displays many items. You can, for example, set a break to occur after every 70 item lines. This way you actually divide your table into pages.
Moreover, if your table starts in the middle of a page (and cannot fit 70 lines), you can also set a different number for your first line break. So you can, for example, have the first break occur after 10 lines, and after that break after 70.
Oh...and another thing: if your table has headers you will be able to have them displayed in every part of the table.
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