Calculate the age of a person that is filling in the digital form

Last updated Feb 03 2019

In this demo we will show you how to:
- calculate the exact age of the person who is filling our form, based on his date of birth.

In our form we will use:

- a date field to collect the birth date of the filler
- and calculated control to perform the calculation.
We will also use the String mode calculator and Javascript to create a function.




(function ()
var today = new Date();
var dateParts = FORM_FIELD_HERE.split("/");
var formDate = new Date(dateParts[2], dateParts[0] - 1, dateParts[1]);
var age = today.getFullYear() - formDate.getFullYear();
var monthDiff = today.getMonth() - formDate.getMonth();
if(monthDiff <0 || (monthDiff === 0 && today.getDate()< formDate.getDate()))
return age;

Read more information about using the calculated field


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