Field Condition Basic Mode

Last updated Oct 02 2018
Field conditions for creating a smart form

If you use the toggle in the condition window to turn on the "Basic mode", your editor layout will look almost the same. however the work process is different. in fact, it is reversed.

How does the condition in basic mode work?

In the default mode when you select a field on canvas and create a condition -  the statement uses this field as a trigger that will affect other fields. For example: if current field contains john then other fields will show.
In the Basic mode when you select a field on canvas and create a condition - the statement will use other fields as trigger to affect the selected field. Also notice that the results options are limited to hide & show.

Following are the window's components and how to use them:

A- ‘Basic Mode’ toggle (on the top right corner) 
This window opens in an "Advanced" mode by default, allowing you to set sophisticated conditions based on more than the selected field.
This toggle enables you to change this mode to 'Basic' mode. 

B- 'Rule" #1' statement
In general, The rule is structured in 2 rows:
IF - an area that displays one or more conditional statements (top row).
'Then' - an area that displays the condition results (bottom row).


This statement contains:
1- 'Current field' dropdown. Here you specify which field or fields are at the base of the condition.
The "Current field" is chosen by default, but you can change it to a different input element if you want. 
If you want to add more fields to the condition you will need to press on the "Add new" button to create a new statement.
2- 'Please choose operator' dropdown - This dropdown contains the relevant operators according to the field you've chosen in the previous dropdown. such as: Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not equals, Starts with, Ends with etc.
3- 'Value/Field' dropdown - lets you create a condition based on a static value. The other option in this dropdown is 'Field' and it allows you to compare the selected field to another field in your form.
4- An empty Textbox / Fields dropdown - When choosing "Value" in the previous input box - an empty textbox will appear to specify the value of this rule. When choosing 'Field' - a dropdown will appear containing the form fields.

Examples for a statement based on value are: Name contains John, Age equals 13, Company name starts with Sa, etc.
Examples for a statement based on field comparison: Name Equals Name2, Child1 Age Larger than Child2 Age, Company,  etc.

5- 'Add'  [+] button  - This button is located to the right of each rule statement line. When you press on it a new statement line will open under it and 2 fields will be added to the previous statement:
6- 'Post' dropdown - when multiple statements are used you are required to specify the relationship between them by choosing "And" or "Or".
7- 'Bracket' dropdown - this dropdown enables you to add brackets to your condition.

These two fields will enable you to base your condition on a few fields, for example: 
if Name contains John and Age is larger than 18 then make the selected field visible.

- 'Remove' [-] button - This button is located next to the 'Add' button and it allows you to delete a statement line. 


 'Results' configuration contains:
1- 'show / Hide' Radio button - those are the only results offered to you in the Basic condition mode. You can either make the selected field appear or disappear.

2- 'Support opposite' checkbox

When you create a simple rule, (like if Name field contains A then show section), you will need to configure the opposite rule to make it work (so when the Name does not contain A it will not show the section). This checkbox saves you the time and effort of creating the opposite rule yourself , by generating it automatically for you.

3- 'Force Execution' checkbox

4- 'Show friendly condition' link

As you've seen, in order to create your condition you need to enter a few fields. But when you want to review the condition it is sometimes hard to understand it.
The 'Show friendly' link opens a small window that displays your condition in a simple string. 

C- 'Add rule' button

If you want to create conditions where the results are different - you will need to use a few rules. So simply press on this button and add a new rule. For example:
If Name field consists John then show selected field
if Age is larger than 18 then make description field mandatory.

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